Saturday, July 19, 2008

Week 9: :20

I picked this particular video because I thought that would be a fun activity for students to do to create more awareness for the election coming up.
I had fun looking at all the videos on YouTube as well as Teacher Tube. Some of the librarian video clips were quite humorous - is that really how the public sees us!
I think it would be fun to put a short video on my library web page introducing myself and my library and library program.


Ann said...

That is a great idea with the introductory video. I like that Teacher Tube is available at school although you can download the YouTube video to your computer from home if necessary. It certainly will get kids attention and some of the math and science videos are great.


Pekochan said...

What a cute video! Were these guys kinders? Oh if the world were a simpler place....
Susan K.

Aunt Books said...

Too cute. I think we could use this at high school to demonstrate reasonable and outrageous political promises. As I've browsed TT, it seems more geared to the upper grades, but maybe I'm just searching the wrong topics. Thanks for sharing this. --suz