Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Week 2: Things 3 & 4

I must say that it is a little nerve wracking knowing that whatever I post can be seen by everyone. Every little thing that I do I probably spend twice as long as I need to because I know that everyone can see it. Setting up my blog wasn't too hard and the avatar was fun. Trying to find the true representation of me was a little challenging - there was so many choices. Students must have fun with this program. I might have to show some of my sixth graders next year.


Ann said...

I know that I have sometimes been startled by the things that come up under my name. I was trying to find a website that my brother had a paper posted to and found a lesson plan I did 6 years before for a class..... I don't think that we can let it stop us from using the power of the web but it does mean that we need to be actively teaching our students about appropriate and ethical use. As one human resources person from a big company told me..."what seems cute at 15 or 20 can lose you a job at 30"

For avatars you might want to look at tektek as well. http://www.tektek.org/dream/
I don't know that I would use it with kids as some of the advertising is not appropriate for school but you can make yourself a really cute avatar.


Library Livin' said...

I tell you Audrey, this is one of my major problems with stuff on the net. I don't want everything I do to be around forever. Trust me, very little that I say or think is worth the key strokes it takes to create it let alone the band with to have it floating around out in the universe forever! I am just not that in to sharing. This blogging crap drives me nuts.